Museum of Interiors – Bielinski Palace, Otwock Wielki

Location: Otwock Wielki
Museum of Interiors – Bielinski Palace, Otwock Wielki

Palace in Otwock Wielki is one of the few well-preserved late baroque aristocracy residences in Mazovia. It used to be home to a fine family of Bielinski. Main part was built in 1680’s, and later in 1740’s the wings were added. The shape of the palace and the beautiful ornaments are thought to have beed designed by a recognised architect Tylman from Gameren. In the second half of the 19th century the house became neglected. It was restored and brought back to its finest look after WWII.

05–480 Otwock Wielki
ul. Zamkowa 49
Distance from Warsaw
32 km
Key words
Otwock Wielki, Bielinski Palace, Museum of Interiors, palace, park, garden, baroque architecture, interior, drawing room, sunroom, saircase, painting, sculpture, tower, terrace, courtyard, historical interior, museum, fresco, sett
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loga Unii Europejskiej