Main Square and Town Hall, Pułtusk

Location: Pułtusk
Main Square and Town Hall, Pułtusk

The Pultusk Market is the longest in Europe and is 400m long. Ma ok. Its axis is marked with old cityhall’s tower which now is a museum of the region. Southside of the market is closed by Maria Magalena’s chapel and a castle that overlooks the city. The east and the west wall of the market are composed of 18-19th century tenant houses. On the northern line of the market you can find St Mary’s Annunciation Collegiate Church. Zwiastowania NMP.

06-100 Pułtusk
ul. Rynek
Web page:
Distance from Warsaw
64 km
Key words
main square, town hall, Pultusk, tenement houses, the longest market, architectural curiosities, interesting places in Poland, stalls
partnerzy serwisu
loga Unii Europejskiej