Multimedia Fontainne Park, Warsaw

Location: Warsaw
Multimedia Fontainne Park, Warsaw

Fontainne Park is located in Podzamcze, on I Dywizji Pancernej u zbiegu ulic: Boleść i Sanguszki. I Dywizja Pancerna Square, on the corner of Bolesc and Sanguszki Street. On Friday and Saturday evenings (sometimes on other days) at 21.00 and 21.30, from May through September, there are "water-sound-light" multi-media shows that use LED and lasers. The complex is composed of three troughs with water and so called dry fontainne with 367 water nozzles (including 227 digitally-controlled), 295 LED RGB, 22 pomps with total capacity of 285,5 kW and RGB laser of 15W powe, projector and central conrol panel: Show Music Controler.

00-221 Warsaw
Skwer im. I Dywizji Pancernej
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Key words
fontaine, Podzamwcze, Wybrzeze Gdanskie, Diwizja Pancerna Square, multimedia show, laser, Warsaw, square, park alley, bench
partnerzy serwisu
loga Unii Europejskiej