Zwiastowania Najświętszej Marii Pannie (Annunciation) Church and monastery, Czerwińsk

Location: Czerwińsk
Zwiastowania Najświętszej Marii Pannie (Annunciation) Church and monastery, Czerwińsk

The church was built in mid-12th century in roman style. The basilica with three naves with low transept, facade with square towers with biforia. As result of numerous remodeling the interior gained gothic and later baroque character. Remaining elements of the interior: roman portal, roman, late-roman and gothic polychromes. The church is built from granite ashlars.

05-150 Czerwińsk
ul. Klasztorna 23
Distance from Warsaw
65 km
Key words
church, monastery, convent, priory, Czerwinsk, portal, Romanesque architecture, mosaic, polychromy, fresco, sculpture, relief, altar, pulpit, stone, campanile, belfry, bell tower, stairs, road, murals, playground, wall, apse, groin vault, cross vault, barrel vault, buttress, gate, garden, monastery garden, parking, Gothic architecture, pillar, column, Noe, porch, The Last Judgement, Genesis, Isaac, Abram, Abraham, The Passion of the Christ
partnerzy serwisu
loga Unii Europejskiej